Friday, September 29, 2006

Strapped in, ready to go, excited to see Abbie!

She loved her first bath! the cuttest baby ever!!

jessa nicole born september 26 2006, 6lbs 15oz, 19'' long. ''first cry''

Monday, September 18, 2006

about three weeks to go, and ready to blow. she is actually working on her biceps right here!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

masai warriors

me and Masai have to kill a lion to become a warrior. kill it with your one spear. that would be the lion's mane on my head. these folks live in dung huts, still trade cows for wives, practice polygamy and the higher you jump, the better the wife. and the men always wear red cause they are shepherds and red can be seen on the savanna in any season.

me and anna

Remember it is winter in kenya... so a blustery 80 degrees definitely warrants a hooded sweater.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

school begins

we had a wonderful summer. we were able to see lots of new things and make some wonderful memories. now summer is over and a new school year is in full swing. hannah started middle school this year... with new braces and her arm in a sling. she has a love/hate relationship with her locker; but, all in all, middle school is wonderful. noah is in the fourth grade and is thrilled to be the oldest giacalone at the elementary school. he is doing a great job watching out for ellie (he even walks her to and from class everyday...what a nice guy). ellie started second grade and is all grins (minus about 4 teeth in her head). macie and kate are adjusting to the quiet during the day and looking forward to starting playgroup and gymnastics.

summer's end

summer couldn't come to an end in the giacalone home without an ER visit... thursday night hannah broke her finger playing goalie in soccer practice. it seemed to be dislocated but after an xray, we found that it was definately broken, and... according to tradition, it required a pin. hannah was SO brave. the doctor gave her four shots to numb her hand and then pulled on the finger and tried to straighten it, when that didn't hold they drilled a pin into her finger... all this while she was awake. they told her that she was the most brave patient they had in a very long time.